Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Wasting Away (but not in Margaritaville)

Right now everyone is trying to save money. Everywhere there are lists of the things that you can do to cut your expenses. They are all good suggestions, but rarely do the authors get to the real meat of the problem: Waste!

Much of the world has fallen into a culture of waste where convience has taken precedence over everything else. The disposable world surrounds and seduces us. Waste is everywhere in modern life. Prosperity has simply blinded most people to its existence. I am no saint in this respect, but recently I have begun to open my eyes. In studying the Toyota Production System, the ignorance that passes for common knowledge, and the wrong thinking that have led many families to ruin have leap into sharp focus. I hope to begin sharing my discoveries with you here. For those of you that come along for the ride, buckle up tight. Some of the principles will turn your present thinking on its head. One thing that I will never seek from you however is faith. The logic of the principles cannot be denied.

And so without further ado....

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